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"People have been asking me about my glowing skin. It's more voluminous and brighter with no toxic fillers, surgery or other invasive treatments." 

Anita O



What Can Facial Rejuvenation Treatment treat?


This is not a treatment that will paralyze or plump up your face with a chemical that causes local edema.  Facial Rejuvenation helps to build your body's own collagen and elastin.  It gives your skin firmness and a natural glow. It stimulates circulation and encourages lymphatic drainage. In addition, with the use of microcurrent, your sagging facial muscles will become toned and firm resulting in a more natural, healthy you with fewer lines and wrinkles. 


What Can I Expect with Facial Rejuvenation?


Upon your first visit, we evaluate the overall condition of your skin, take a photograph, review and decide what method of treatment is ideal for you.


Types of treatment in one session might include the use of acupuncture needles, Gua Sha massage, LED light therapy and ultrasound. Sessions may run anywhere between 60-90 minutes. You may expect your skin to be flush as we have stimulated the circulation. 


After your facial, you will get an increase in blood circulation in order to create a more radiant, plump look. Over time the collagen and elastin as it builds to fill in the lines to lessen their appearance. 




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